Open Volunteer Period for Sustainable Living in the Himalayas

Date/Time: Oct 25, 2014 - Nov 14, 2014, all day
Location: Dharmalaya Institute (Bir, HP, India)

Gardening Workshop

What: Informal, minimally-structured volunteer opportunities

Activities: Traditional earthen building, organic gardening, and natural landscaping

WhereDharmalaya Institute, Bir (H.P.), in the Indian Himalayas

When: October 25 to November 14, 2014 (Volunteers may arrive and depart anytime during this period)

Languages: English & Hindi

Facilitators: Various — Raj Kumar (‘Raju’), Naresh Sharma, et al.

Description: Informal volunteer opportunities at the Dharmalaya Institute open to both residential and non-residential participants. During this period, there is no structured educational or training program as such, but there is plenty of physical work to do — including traditional earthen building, organic gardening, natural landscaping and possibly some tree planting — and Dharmalaya is a beautiful place to get your hands dirty and learn a bit about green living and Himalayan culture in the process.

Since there is no formal instruction during this period and there is no organized program, one simply jumps in and does whatever needs doing on a given day, learning by watching others and then doing it yourself. In such an unstructured or loosely guided situation, sometimes one needs to ask for help if one needs it, so a certain degree of self-motivation and initiative makes for the best experience. It also helps to bring a healthy sense of flexibility, since the work to be done might vary from one day to the next, depending on circumstances. If that appeals to you, you’re welcome to come and go anytime between October 25 and November 14, 2014 (and to arrive earlier or depart later if you’re interested in participating in Dharmalaya’s other programs).

For more information see Dharmalaya’s volunteer page, read the FAQ, and complete the volunteer application if you’re interesting in joining us.
