Date/Time: Apr 19, 2019 - Apr 27, 2019, all day
Location: Dharmalaya Institute (Bir, HP, India)
What: Intensive workshop-retreat (residential)
Topic: Designing a life of compassion in action, integrating personal and professional development with a lifestyle of sustainable thriving
When: April 19-27 2019 (must attend from the start and stay for the duration)
Language: English (with Hindi translation if requested)
Facilitators: Mark Moore and other members of the Dharmalaya faculty and community
Description: Nine-day residential workshop-retreat focused on creating a more compassionate life, through opening the heart, informing the mind, developing our innate qualities of sensitivity and compassion, and putting that compassion into practice by reducing our harm footprints and increasing our help footprints in all spheres of life. The primary emphasis in this programme is on identifying areas of our lives where we need to change and grow in order to become more compassionate citizens of the world and more effective agents of positive change. Thus, the main requirement for this workshop is deep self-honesty and willingness to examine our life choices to see the ways in which we cause harm, to discuss these issues in a group context, and to make commitments to transform ourselves and our lives for the betterment of ourselves and the world. On a practical level, the workshop will combine explorations of outer practices (such as organic gardening, earthen building, solar cooking, and rainwater harvesting) with inner practices (such as mindfulness, deep listening, meditation, and conscious movement, e.g. yoga/chi kung/nature walks).
For information and registration, see this page.