
Summer of Sustainability 2024 at Earthville Institute (Colorado)

Date/Time: Jun 24, 2024 - Sep 21, 2024, all day
Location: Earthville Institute, Colorado




When: July 22 – August 3, 2024, with optional practicum after the workshop (see below)

Where: Earthville Institute at Windhorse Village (approximately 28 miles west of Durango, Colorado, USA)

Program type: Hybrid immersive residential service learning (combining elements of internship, workshop, retreat, and more)

Focus: Sustainable and compassionate living, integrating hands-on work with contemplative practice

Instructors: Mark Moore, Daphne Charles, James Simmons, and Anya Chang-DePuy (see below)

Language: English (translation may be available; contact us if needed)

Description: A three-month immersive residential service-learning program providing an engaging in-depth exploration of sustainable and compassionate living integrating hands-on experience with contemplative practice in a healthy and supportive environment in the lap of nature:

  • Earth-friendly natural building
  • Organic food-growing
  • Permaculture principles
  • Integrated personal and vocational development
  • Healthy living: meditation, yoga, and more



Summer of Sustainability 2024 posterEarthville Institute is pleased to announce its first-ever three-month residential service-learning program: Summer of Sustainability 2024! The SoS will provide an engaging in-depth exploration of sustainable and compassionate living, integrating hands-on experience with contemplative practice in a healthy and supportive environment in the lap of nature.

Key topics of exploration

This interdisciplinary program explores the art of what we call “compassionate living,” which integrates both “outer sustainability” and “inner sustainability,” seeking ways of living in harmony with nature as an expression of our true inner nature. This is a big topic, obviously, but for simplicity we can identify four interdependent focal areas:

  • Shelter: natural building, in harmony with nature

  • Food: organic organic gardening and permaculture principles

  • Community life: compassionate communication, collaboration, and co-creation

  • Inner life: meditation, yoga, and cultivating our best qualities

Format & structure: Hybrid service-learning program

Imagine a hands-on sustainability internship and a contemplative meditation/yoga retreat fall madly in love and have a baby… and then imagine that baby growing into an alternative school that nurtures and encourages its creativity, compassion and holistic development… and now imagine that the richly fascinating process of cultivating that sprouting school itself is opened up to a few good-hearted humans as a unique service-learning experience. That’s essentially what’s happening here. Those who join us are helping to create an inspiring educational institute that will transform many lives, and that co-creation experience itself can be life-transforming.

    15% training workshop
+ 15% contemplative retreat
+ 50% hands-on service-learning internship
+ 20% whatever magic you make of it

= 100% time well-spent!

The three-month program will alternate between two different modes: workshop/retreat mode and service-learning/internship mode (with a few other flavors thrown in here and there for good measure). The thirteen weeks will include:

  • Eight weeks total of service-learning/internship mode (typically seven hours per day, four days per week, with the remaining three days mostly free except for a few small tasks, and with all evenings typically free or flexible)

  • Four weeks total of intensive workshop/retreat mode (full-day schedule including evening sessions, six days per week)

  • One week of reflection, journaling, and sharing (all day for the whole week, but with a gentle and spacious schedule)



For further information and registration, see the workshop’s event page at the Earthville Institute’s website.


