Date/Time: Sep 12, 2015 - Sep 13, 2015, all day
Location: Sheffield Insight
An opportunity to combine a day of outdoor activity with a day of silent spiritual reflection.
Bringing positive action and spiritual practice together as a time to express our care and love for our planet. The weekend also offers an opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded people.
This non-residential weekend retreat opens with a day of silent meditation practice, the second day is a time of meditation in action; working while practicing. It is possible to join both days of the weekend, or just one day of your choice.
The silent day will include mindfulness practices and deep ecology exercises to deepen our connection to all things including our inner life. While the working day’s activities will be framed by periods of meditation and contemplation cultivating greater awareness in a daily life setting.
On the working day we will be joining an organisation in Sheffield and supporting them in whatever work needs doing.
Please bring vegetarian lunch to share.
The retreat will be facilitated by Zohar Lavie.
This event is jointly offered with Sheffield Insight.
If you are interested to receive more information about either day please register your interest for this Weekend retreat.