Date/Time: Mar 25, 2014 - Apr 4, 2014, all day
Location: Dharmalaya Institute (Bir, HP, India)
What: Service-Learning Retreat with SanghaSeva
Topic: Living in Balance: Contemplation, Compassion, and Sustainability
Where: Dharmalaya Institute in Bir, HP, India
When: March 25 to April 4, 2014
Language: English
Facilitators: Zohar Lavie, Nathan Glyde, Mark Moore, Mai-Linh Leminhbach
Description: Residential service-learning retreat program at the Dharmalaya Institute. Possible workshops and groups sessions include the following:
- Hands-on education in traditional earthen architecture of the Himalayas
- Organic gardening and permaculture landscaping
- Meditation and yoga/movement
- A mixture of silent practice and group connection and activity
Please note: Space is limited, so advance registration and deposit are required.
For details and registration, please visit the SanghaSeva website.
To make your deposit for this retreat online, you can donate securely using the button below: