The World of Yoga: A Retreat on the Holistic Path of the Five Yogas

Date/Time: Nov 15, 2014 - Nov 19, 2014, all day
Location: Dharmalaya Institute (Bir, HP, India)

What: Integrated Yoga Retreat with Hatha Yoga instruction and practice, plus Karma Yoga practice doing green building, organic gardening, and more.

WhereDharmalaya Institute in Bir, HP, India

When: November 15-19 2014 (It is suggested to attend the whole course, but it is also possible to attend only part if your time is limited.)

Language: English & Sanskrit

Facilitators: Roshan Palat (yoga instructor who has trained in multiple traditions)

Description: A unique residential training retreat combining an introductory hatha yoga and jnana yoga course with karma yoga in the form of hands-on training in various aspects of sustainable living, including green building, organic farming, and more.

The hatha yoga aspect of the retreat-course will include:

  • An overview of the paths of yoga
  • In-depth exploration of hatha yoga
  • Training and practice in pranayama, asanas, meditation, and more

(See below for additional details.)

The karma yoga aspect of the retreat-course will include various activities related to sustainable living, such as:

  • Traditional green building methods of the Himalayas, such as adobe, bamboo, etc.
  • Opportunities for organic gardening and natural landscaping
  • Explorations of the relationship between outer and inner sustainability

Accommodation options: Simple, comfortable accommodation in tents/dormitory in a beautiful Himalayan setting.


For details on the retreat, see this page on the Dharmalaya Institute’s website.


