guruzero Sings for Sandy Hook & Gun Reform

Earthville Music Releases Powerful Artistic Response to the Newtown Shootings

Caskets That SmallOakland, CA — The controversial debate on gun policy and public safety has reached an unprecedented pitch in the wake of the recent, tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. Mark Moore, an educator and music producer from Colorado who was moved to tears while watching news coverage of the shootings and their heartbreaking aftermath, decided to channel this pain in a positive direction by writing and recording a song reflecting on the tragedy and the urgent need for reform in US gun laws.

The song, poignantly titled “Caskets That Small,” has been released on the nonprofit record label Earthville Music ( Moore’s band, “guruzero,” is offering the song for free or for charity in the spirit of sharing and healing. It is available for streaming and download at (free of charge). For convenience, it is also available now on iTunes, on, and at the Google Play store in some countries (with all proceeds going to charity).

“I’m doing everything I know how to do to make a small difference,” said Moore. “I’m signing the petitions and contacting my government representatives to ask them to support sensible legislation to reduce the number of military-class weapons on the streets. But this crisis of violence in our country is far, far bigger than politics, so I also wanted to do something more personal, to speak from one heart to another. Music is one of the strongest ways to speak directly to the heart, and it’s something I know, so it came very naturally. The song came out in an afternoon. If it makes a human connection with people, that’s all I could wish.”

About the Earthville Network

The Earthville Network is a charitable organization working to create a more compassionate and sustainable global village through an holistic array of projects and programs spanning the fields of experiential education, sustainable development, peacemaking, and the arts. Earthville Music is one of several arts-related projects conducted by Earthville. Through its projects and partners worldwide, Earthville provides diverse opportunities for cross-cultural collaboration, service-learning, volunteering, and immersive ecotourism. Founded in 1997, the Earthville Network is a 501(c)(3) public charity in the US and works through partner organizations in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Earthville is a volunteer-driven not-for-profit organization that depends on public support to build capacity and extend our reach. For more information or to get involved, visit our website at and our blog at


Mark Moore is available for interviews about the song and about the use of the arts and creativity as a tool to create a more harmonious world.

Contact: press at earthvilledotorg.

Download this release in PDF format here.


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