Earthville Sponsors Benefit for Post-quake Rebuilding in Nepal

On April 25 of this year, the Himalayan nation of Nepal was devastated by an earthquake measuring nearly 8 on the Richter scale, taking the lives of more than 9000 people and injuring more than 25,000 others. Making matters much worse, hundreds of thousands of people became homeless, completely overwhelming relief efforts.

The Earthville Network is making a humble effort to do our part to help in the reconstruction efforts. To help address the desperate shortage of  builders with the know-how to construct seismically-reinforced traditional earthen structures, we have invited volunteers (from Nepal or elsewhere) to attend our training courses in neo-traditional earthen architecture at the Dharmalaya Institute, our campus in the Indian Himalayas.

Nepal Quake Relief Benefit ConcertAnd, bringing the effort back home, on August 28 Earthville and friends are launching the Nepal Earthquake Relief project with a benefit concert to support reconstruction in Nepal.

The concert will feature musical performances and live art as well as a celebrated guest speaker who is leading reconstruction efforts in Nepal, Tara Gautam, who will be co-directing the Nepal Earthquake Relief Project, along with Richard Fultineer.

The concert will be held at Far Outfit on 1944 E. 4th Street in Long Beach, CA, at 7:30pm on Friday, August 28, 2015.

There is a suggestion donation of $10. For those who would prefer to donate online, you can do so securely here.

All donations are tax deductible and will benefit construction of homes and schools in quake-affected areas of Nepal.

We thank you for your support!


If you would like to become even more involved by learning earthen building in India and then volunteering in Nepal, see the website for the Dharmalaya Institute.

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