Help Dharmalaya Institute Open Its Doors [UPDATED]

We’re almost there, and we need your help to finish

Main event hallBIR (HP) INDIA:  The first building on the new eco-campus of the Dharmalaya Institute is just two steps away from being ready to welcome the public, and Dharmalaya needs your help to reach the finish line.

The neotraditional adobe-and-bamboo building survived its second heavy monsoon season in perfect shape, thanks to the dedicated team of Himachali craftsmen, local labourers, and many Indian and international volunteers who did great work last spring to complete the roof and the most important windows from March through June. Thanks to all of you, the building is about 90% complete.

The two remaining steps are finishing and furnishing. First up are a few last windows and doors, and then a lot of interior work, including electrical, plumbing, carpentry, tiling, final plaster, and other finishing touches. Then, with all that done, we’ll need to furnish the building and equip the kitchen. We intend to build our own bamboo furniture and, as with everything else we do, we’re inspired to make a workshop out of it (details to be announced*).

Most of this work must be completed by March 2013, when we have two more retreats scheduled with our friends from SanghaSeva. And there’s where the request for help comes in.

To make the last two steps to opening day, we need your help, and there are three things you can do to support us:

  1. First, we need to raise at least $6000 (USD) by the end of 2012. If we can raise $9000 or more, that will help us create more capacity (and more jobs). We will be very grateful for any donation you can give, whatever the size (it will probably be many small donations that help us reach our goal). To donate by credit card or PayPal, visit our fundraising campaign page on (To donate by check or Network for Good, visit our donate page.) Earthville is a 501(c)(3) public charity, so contributions are tax-deductible in the USA and you will receive a donation receipt for tax purposes.
  2. As always, we need volunteers to help us build and beautify the campus. For details, see Dharmalaya’s volunteer page.
  3. Please share the link to our fundraising page with your friends by email and on Facebook, Twitter, and any other social networks you may use, and ask them to consider donating and/or volunteering.

And whether or not you donate or volunteer, please do share this with your friendswho might be interested. Thank you! We really appreciate your support!

UPDATE November 29, 2012: The fundraising campaign reached its goal one week early and then continued to raise 10% more. Thanks to everyone for your support!

*To stay in the loop on upcoming events, you can subscribe to Dharmalaya’s Events Calendar (via RSS) at

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14 Responses to “Help Dharmalaya Institute Open Its Doors [UPDATED]”

  1. I fully support this beautiful work Mark & co are doing.

  2. Congrats!!! 🙂

  3. Rock it! Look fwd to visiting.

  4. Steven Jay Epstein November 14, 2012 at 6:36 pm Reply

    An inspiring project to heal ourselves and this planet.

  5. Susan Lee Carter November 14, 2012 at 9:11 pm Reply

    I really hope to visit and see your wonderful works in action!

  6. Betty Jane Snow November 15, 2012 at 9:30 am Reply

    This is a beautiful & very worthy enterprise!

  7. Amazing inspiring project and people!!! The world needs more of this kind of initiative!! Thank you soo much to offer that!!

  8. Keep up the good work for all beings.

  9. Phenomenal and exciting news…….Wow !!

  10. Bjarne and Elin November 17, 2012 at 9:26 am Reply

    “Ad astra per aspera” – you will make it!

  11. It’s HAPPENING!

  12. Jessica Kerwin November 18, 2012 at 2:40 pm Reply

    Good luck!!!

  13. This is a wonderful project led by wonderful people. The benefit will surely be enourmous.
    All the best!

  14. Jim Santi Owen November 19, 2012 at 9:24 pm Reply

    Great work! Can’t wait to come visit!

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