Dharmalaya Institute is Earthville’s campus in the Himalayas. In this article, Dharmalaya’s assistant manager and architect Anushka Joshi shares about her experience of the impact of COVID-19 in the village.

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Reflections on the world as seen from the thick of it, from Earthville citizens working, traveling, and living.
Dharmalaya Institute is Earthville’s campus in the Himalayas. In this article, Dharmalaya’s assistant manager and architect Anushka Joshi shares about her experience of the impact of COVID-19 in the village.
Smiles all around at the close of our second annual silent meditation retreat with SanghaSeva at the Dharmalaya Institute in the Indian Himalayas.
Visionary educator Arnie Langberg shares stories from two of his public alternative schools: Mountain Open High School in Evergreen, CO, and High School Redirection in Denver…
Visionary educator Arnie Langberg examines the awkwardness of U.S. middle schools and the need for them to mature.
Visionary educator Arnie Langberg examines the failure of the educational system to embrace a successful alternative.
Visionary educator Arnie Langberg recalls his experiences as the incoming Principal at a group of struggling alternative satellite programs within conventional schools in Denver.
So much in life can’t happen without the kindness of others, and this is especially true here in the Himalayas. In a “subsistence-plus” economy such as we have here in Himachal Pradesh, most villagers have enough land to feed their families, more or less, so they don’t necessarily need to work…
A familiar sea of humans, cows, and three-wheeled auto-rickshaws… with some new features: People of all stripes gathering around giant outdoor projection screens to cheer every turn of the Indian athletes in the Commonwealth Games… Brand new Delhi Metro terminals, still not-quite-finished and already falling apart, teeming with hurried passengers…