The Earthville Events calendar is the place to stay up-to-date on courses, volunteer programs, retreats, concerts, and other happenings in Earthville.
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Natural Design & Contemplative Architecture: 1-year Residential Course
A year-long residential course conducting a deep exploration of natural design, the power of space and form, geometry, the creative process, and our relationship with these. The course will integrate theory and practice, supported by a rich syllabus structured to support the interdisciplinary breadth of the course.

Touching Earth: Natural Building Workshop (Colorado)
A week-long residential workshop-retreat exploring earthen building techniques and our connection to nature. Touching Earth will provide opportunities to learn and practice some of the foundational skills of earthen building and contemplate living in harmony with nature while enjoying a healthy and sustainable lifestyle in a beautiful part of Colorado.

Spontaneous Creativity: Meditation for Manifestation — Six-day Retreat
Six-day meditation retreat exploring the power of creativity. Learn to enhance your creative process through meditation.
Based wisdom and practices from Tibetan Bön Buddhist master Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

Summer of Sustainability 2024 at Earthville Institute (Colorado)
A week-long residential workshop-retreat exploring earthen building techniques and our connection to nature. Touching Earth will provide opportunities to learn and practice some of the foundational skills of earthen building and contemplate living in harmony with nature while enjoying a healthy and sustainable lifestyle in a beautiful part of Colorado.

Creative Compassion in Action: Workshop-Retreat in the Himalayas
A five-week contemplative workshop-retreat series exploring foundational practices for manifesting creativity and accomplishment from a place of profound ease and inspiration, both as an individual and in collaboration with others, followed by an optional extended practicum.

Building a Better World: 15-month Course
A fifteen-month training course designed for caring people who want to make a positive impact in the world. This course is designed to empower you as an insightful, sensitive, and effective agent of change.

Building a Better World: Online Chat with Mark Moore
A free online chat hosted by Dharmalaya cofounder Mark Moore to discuss the Building a Better World program. This chat will be an opportunity to chat with Mark about the program, ask questions, and get a sense of how the program might support your aspirations.

Volunteer in the Himalayas
Volunteer work period providing a precious opportunity to offer service to the common good while practicing some of the foundational skills of sustainable and compassionate living, including organic gardening, natural building, permaculture landscaping, and more, all in a supportive community atmosphere.

Compassionate Leadership: A Retreat for Changemakers
A week-long retreat exploring the theory and practice of wise and compassionate leadership

Spontaneous Creativity: Six-day Retreat
Six-day meditation retreat exploring the power of creativity. Learn to enhance your creative process through meditation. Based on wisdom and practices from Tibetan Bön Buddhist master Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

Opening the Heart — Joy of Living 2 Retreat
A six-day meditation retreat designed by world-renowned meditation master Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, with special features unique to the retreats at Dharmalaya, including a yoga programme integrated with the meditation instruction. Meditation empowers us to use any situation or experience, even difficult emotions and pain, as a gateway to joy and inner peace. In this second retreat in the Joy of Living series, we explore ways in which meditation can be used to create an open and joyful heart.

Touching Earth: Natural Building Workshop in Colorado
A week-long residential workshop-retreat exploring earthen building techniques and our connection to nature. Touching Earth will provide opportunities to learn and practice some of the foundational skills of earthen building and contemplate living in harmony with nature while enjoying a healthy and sustainable lifestyle in a beautiful part of Colorado.

Nada Brahma: Music & Meditation Retreat
An exploration of creativity as expressed through music, and of the nature of reality as expressed through the vibrations of sound. The retreat will include workshops in individual and collaborative songwriting as well as instruction in sound meditation with daily practice. Open to everyone!

Carpentry: A Contemplative Approach to Craft
A six-week residential workshop aimed to explore carpentry at the intersection of contemplative practice, craft and sustainability. The programme is structured as a three-week intensive training period followed by a three-week practicum. The practical focus will be hands-on work to assist in the creation, maintenance and furnishing of Dharmalaya Institute’s beautiful natural buildings.

Permaculture & Organic Garden Design
Four-week immersive service-learning programme providing opportunities to explore natural garden design and permaculture principles and practices. The practical focus will be on hands-on work in Dharmalaya Institute’s beautiful organic gardens, supported by a healthy lifestyle with time for daily contemplative practice (e.g. yoga, meditation).

Volunteer in the Himalayas
Volunteer work period providing a precious opportunity to offer service to the common good while practicing some of the foundational skills of sustainable and compassionate living, including organic gardening, natural building, permaculture landscaping, and more, all in a supportive community atmosphere.

Touching Earth: Natural Building Workshop in Colorado
A five-day residential workshop-retreat exploring earthen building techniques and our connection to nature. Touching Earth will provide opportunities to learn and practice some of the foundational skills of earthen building and contemplate living in harmony with nature while enjoying a healthy and sustainable lifestyle in a beautiful part of Colorado.

Permaculture & Organic Garden Design
Four-week immersive service-learning programme providing opportunities to explore natural garden design and permaculture principles and practices. The practical focus will be on hands-on work in Dharmalaya Institute’s beautiful organic gardens, supported by a healthy lifestyle with time for daily contemplative practice (e.g. yoga, meditation).

Natural Building & Inner Exploration Workshop Series in Colorado
Over the course of 27 days we’ll be offering an incredible opportunity for a fully immersive retreat experience. Not only will you have the chance to attend 3 phenomenal, hands-on construction workshops, but you’ll also be able to join us in our brand new Journey Back to Center Experience. If you’ve been feeling ready for a truly transformational experience, we hope you’ll join us for this 27 day retreat.

Volunteer in the Himalayas
Volunteer work period providing a precious opportunity to offer service to the common good while practicing some of the foundational skills of sustainable and compassionate living, including organic gardening, natural building, permaculture landscaping, and more, all in a supportive community atmosphere.

Compassion, Creativity & Community: Service-Learning Course
Immersive service-learning programme providing a unique opportunity to offer service to the greater good while exploring practices of compassionate living. The practical focus will be on volunteer work in the areas of permaculture, natural building, and organic gardening, supported by a healthy lifestyle with time for daily contemplative practice (e.g. yoga, meditation).

Natural Design & Contemplative Architecture: 1-year Residential Course
A year-long residential course conducting a deep exploration of natural design, the power of space and form, geometry, the creative process, and our relationship with these. The course will integrate theory and practice, supported by a rich syllabus structured to support the interdisciplinary breadth of the course.

Natural Harmony: Mind, Body, Space & Form
This three-week immersion is a rare opportunity to conduct a deep exploration of the power of the sacred, and to cultivate our relationship with it. The programme’s rich syllabus will guide us through a study of fundamental principles of harmony as we retreat inward to define our own sense of what ‘sacred’ means and dedicate time to nourishing it.

Training and Volunteer Work Period
Volunteer work period, beginning with a six-day residential workshop to provide introductory hands-on training in some of the foundational skills of compassionate living as practiced at Dharmalaya Institute, including meditation, earthen building, organic gardening, and permaculture landscaping, followed by two weeks of volunteer work (which optionally can be extended for another one or two weeks if you wish, until as late as 9th May). The actual training activities will depend on weather and the needs on site at the time. There will be a two-week practicum after the initial training workshop to support participants to deepen your skills and understanding further through practice on site.

Moore Humanities Symposium: What Is Well-Being?
The Ronald E. Moore Humanities Symposium provides an academic forum for invited speakers to present on the fundamental issues and questions about the human experience and to promote discussion that advances human understanding of local and global concerns. The 2020 Symposium is dedicated to a discussion of the question, What is well-being?