After two unprecedented years, we are delighted to announce that Earthville will be resuming in-person educational programs in 2022, and we have some exciting news to share.

We invite you to become a member of the Earthville Network and join us in building a more compassionate and sustainably thriving global village.
After two unprecedented years, we are delighted to announce that Earthville will be resuming in-person educational programs in 2022, and we have some exciting news to share.
Join us on on May 1, 2021, for discussion with educators Arnie Langberg and Mark Moore on Creating the World That Ought to Be. The discussion takes place as part of “Past, Present, and Future of Progressive Education: Working toward a More Just and Equitable World by Supporting Students’ Personal, Social, and Intellectual Growth.”
Visionary educator Arnie Langberg shares three stories from one of the public alternative schools he served as Principal, High School Redirection in Denver…
OK, we confess: It isn’t easy. (The title is a bit of an ironic joke on marketing.) But it is doable. And, on a certain level, it is simple. From our experience doing charitable work across the globe, we have seen that the basic formula for change is not all that complicated. So at least articulating […]
What Is Responsible Global Citizenship? In short, responsible global citizenship is informed compassion in action: making our best efforts to understand global issues, to act with sensitivity about them, and to change ourselves and our world for the better. Know the world, change the world, and it will change you. Why Responsible Global Citizenship? Today, […]
Visionary educator Arnie Langberg examines the failure of the educational system to embrace a successful alternative.
Visionary educator Arnie Langberg recalls his experiences as the incoming Principal at a group of struggling alternative satellite programs within conventional schools in Denver.
Earthville’s international, multi-disciplinary leadership team brings together a diverse array of skills, experiences, and sensitivities that, together, guide the course of our activities. Board of Directors Arnie Langberg Administrator of Alternative Education for Denver Public School District (retired); founding Principal of the Open School (Colorado, USA) and other alternative high schools; founder of the Harmony […]