Earthville Welcomes Spring Up Foundation

Spring Up FoundationThe Earthville Network is pleased to announce the newest addition to our family of projects incubating in the Earthville Umbrellavator: The Spring Up Foundation is a UK-based charitable project established to support a peaceful and hopeful future in the Middle East by funding further education for Palestinian students.

It was founded in 2016 by Nathan Glyde, Zohar Lavie, et al. for the purpose of sponsoring tuition fees for university education and vocational training for low-income Palestinian students. Zohar and Nathan have been conducting peacemaking retreats in the region for many years through their own organization, SanghaSeva.

And if their names sound familiar to our readers, it may be because they also have been collaborating with Earthville since 2011 on another project: annual meditation and work retreats at Dharmalaya Institute for Compassionate Living in the Indian Himalayas. We are happy to have another vehicle for collaboration with these long-time friends of Earthville, for another very worthy cause.

For more information, see the Spring Up Foundation website.

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