The Earthville Network is pleased to announce the newest addition to our family of projects incubating in the Earthville Umbrellavator: The Spring Up Foundation is a UK-based charitable project established to support a peaceful and hopeful future in the Middle East by funding further education for Palestinian students.
Tag Archives: Middle East
Parallel Paths to Peace: A Libya-Tibet Nexus in Switzerland
By chance, world leaders and I are in Geneva today, on peace missions of different sorts. Events of the past two weeks spur reflection on the ways in which their big mission and my little one intersect.
Human Family Peace Project Holds Workshop in Turkey
The Human Family Peace Project held its first planning workshop in Turkey in June. Based in both Istanbul and San Francisco, the Human Family Peace Project is an ongoing program offering retreats and workshops in Turkey, India, and elsewhere that foster social and cultural awareness as a foundation for global harmony.
Sulha Returns: Reconciliation Process Resumes after Violence in the Region
Recovering from last year’s violence, the sixth annual Sulha peace gathering drew over 3000 Arabs, Jews and international witnesses to grassroots peacemaking.
On the Road to Reconciliation
Despite terrible violence in Gaza, the fifth annual Sulha peace saw record attendance of about 4600 Arabs, Jews and international witnesses to grassroots peacemaking.
Sulha: Power to the Peacemakers
The Sulha Peace Project hosted its fourth annual Sulha peace gathering, which drew over 4000 Arabs, Jews and international witnesses to the groundbreaking grassroots peacemaking gathering.
Sulha Peace Project: Restoring Trust in the Middle East
The Sulha Peace Project is a grassroots reconciliation program rebuilding trust between neighbors in Israel and Palestine through events and workshops that facilitate deep human connections. Sulha conducts annual grassroots peacemaking conferences that attract up to 4000 participants and international media coverage, as well as “Sulhita” workshops for youth in the US and elsewhere. Sulha events are attended […]